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Ethics, Confidentiality, Policy, and Complaints Statement

Code of Conduct

CONSUMERTEC operates with a very specific Code of Conduct which serves as a frame of reference for our relations with customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, competitors, neighbours, government and the community. We know that we are judged by how we act.

The following commitments serve as the basis for shaping these relationships and for assisting in making decisions:

We strive to increase client satisfaction by providing clients with quality services and products that are innovative and responsive to their requirements. CONSUMERTEC does not seek to gain any advantages through the use of offering gifts or monetary payments to clients.

We pursue business growth and profitability objectives in order to remain competitive in business.

We treat employees in a fair and even-handed manner and foster a culture rich in diversity that is based on trust, mutual respect, teamwork, and integrity.

We treat our suppliers fairly, honestly, and objectively and we expect their absolute competence in quality, service, total cost, innovation and reliability.

In the communities of which we are members, we act ethically and as responsible and responsive corporate citizens in compliance with the law.

We take responsibility for safety, health and environment in accordance with our commitment to contribute to sustainable development.

As a group of highly specialised professional chemists, we act according to The Chemists Code of Conduct (ACS 1994) which is copied in full at the end of this page.


CONSUMERTEC works in a very competitive business environment not only between finished product producers but also between raw material suppliers and service providers. Accordingly to assure respect and integrity to involved parties, we have set the following commitments:

We avoid conflict of interest. CONSUMERTEC employees avoid any situation that may involve a conflict between personal interests and those of CONSUMERTEC. In the same sense CONSUMERTEC avoid any similar situation that involve a conflict between its interests and those of their customers.

All information received from customers and prospects are treated as a Confidential and is not disclosed without proper authority to any unauthorised person inside and outside CONSUMERTEC. That includes preliminary contacts with interested organisations on CONSUMERTEC services and products. CONSUMERTEC's list of customers are treated as a Confidential and not used for promotion activities. The only information available to public is the assistants to public seminars/courses held by CONSUMERTEC.

We are responsible for maintaining efficient controls to protect CONSUMERTEC and customer's information and assets from loss, unauthorised use or inappropriate disposition.

CONSUMERTEC keeps a record for each employee that include a Confidential Agreement so as to protect general and specific non-public information, especial efforts we have to protect research results.

We honour all Confidentiality Agreements signed with our clients.

The Chemist's Code of Conduct
(American Chemical Society. 1994)

Chemists acknowledge responsibilities to:

  • The public. Chemists have a professional responsibility to serve the public interest and welfare and to advance scientific knowledge. Chemists should actively promote the health and welfare of co-workers, consumers, and the community. Public comments on scientific matters should be made with care and precision, without unsubstantiated, exaggerated, or premature statements.
  • The science of chemistry. Chemists should seek to advance chemical science, understand the limitation of their knowledge, and respect the truth. Chemists should ensure that their scientific contribution, and those of their collaborators, are thorough, accurate, and unbiased in design, implementation, and presentation.
  • The profession. Chemists should remain current with developments in their field, share ideas and information, keep accurate and complete laboratory records, maintain integrity in all conduct and publications, and credit the contributions of others. Conflicts of interest and scientific misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification and plagiarism, are incompatible with this Code
  • The employer. Chemists should promote and protect the legitimate interests of their employers, perform work honestly and competently, fulfil obligations, and safeguard proprietary information.
  • Employees. Chemists, as employers, should treat subordinates with respect for their professionalism and concern for their well-being and provide them with a safe, congenial working environment, fair compensation, and credit for their scientific contributions.
  • Students. Chemists should regard the tutelage of students as a trust conferred by society for the promotion of the student's learning and professional development. Each student should be treated respectfully and without exploitation.
  • Associates. Chemists should treat associates with respect, regardless of their formal education, encourage them, learn with them, share ideas honestly, and credit their contributions.
  • Clients. Chemists should serve clients faithfully and incorruptibly, respect confidentiality, advise honestly, and charge fairly.
  • The Environment. Chemists should understand and anticipate the environmental consequences of their work. Chemists have the responsibility to avoid pollution and to protect the environment.

Quality Policy

CONSUMERTEC (legally, Representaciones DETERTEC S.A.) is a research and development company specialising in the perception of benefits by consumers. We seek to maintain a high level of innovation in our services by developing new technologies to carry out comparative tests; For this, we manage the resources, the personnel and a policy of experimentation that generates creativity based on the current state of science and technology.

Specifically, we are competent to carry out comparative tests of brands and products for mass consumption, and we are committed to maintaining the integrity of a management system that guarantees the quality of our services under the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard.

Our clients hire us to make better balances in the formulations of their products and or come to have the technical evidence to support the communication of the benefits of their brands.

Quality policies:

Policy 1:
We are committed to carrying out the contracted studies within the agreed time, complying with the approach, objectives and technical conditions previously agreed with each client.

Policy 2:
We seek to offer quality service by developing technical staff skills to ensure the proper functioning of laboratory activities.

Policy 3:
We are committed to implementing and maintaining impartiality and confidentiality in laboratory activities according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements.


Treatment of complaints:

CONSUMERTEC (legally, Representaciones DETERTEC S.A.) makes the following link available to interested parties (internal and or external) for receiving complaints: Contact Us. The following information must be placed in the form: name, email, name of the company to which it belongs, and the description of the complaint must be placed in the form.

The treatment of the complaint will be carried out in such a way that the results that are communicated to the person presenting the complaint are carried out, reviewed and approved by persons not involved in the activities of the laboratory that originated it.
1. Receipt of the complaint
2. Validation of the complaint
3. Investigation of the complaint
4. Corrective Actions
5. Response to the complaint

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